Roofing is one of those essential home improvements that can make a big difference in your life. Not only does a good roofing system keep your home insulated and dry, but it can also add years to the lifespan of your home. In this article, we highlight everything you need to know about roofing, from the different types of roofs to the benefits of each. We also provide a comprehensive guide to selecting the right roofing system for your home, based on your needs and budget.

What is Roofing?
Roofing is a roof system that protects people and property from the elements. It consists of a roof covering, an anchoring system, and a fastening system.
The roof covering provides protection from rain, snow, sun, and wind. The anchoring system holds the cover in place while the fastening system secures it to the framing members below. Roofing can be installed as part of a new construction project or retrofitted to an existing structure.
Types of Roofing
Roofing is one of the most important aspects of a home’s construction. It protects your roof and walls from weather damage, allows light and air into your home, and helps to insulate your house against cold winters. There are several types of roofs available today, each with its own unique features and benefits. Here are four of the most common types of roofs:
- Gable or Sloped Roof A gable or sloped roof has a slope on one side only (the peak), which makes it suitable for locations where direct sunlight rarely shines (such as behind buildings). This style is typically less expensive than other types of roofs but requires more maintenance due to rainwater runoff.
- Wooden Roof Wooden roofs are probably the most popular type in use today. They’re strong enough to withstand heavy rains and snowfall without rotting or warping, they’re environmentally friendly because they don’t require any sealant or paint jobs after installation, and they look great!
- Asphalt/Metal Roof Asphalt/metal roofs are popular choices for areas that receive moderate rainfall (between 0.25″ and 4″.) They’re durable enough to last 10+ years under typical conditions, but can be damaged by hail or excessive windstorms. If you live in an area that sees frequent extreme weather events like tornadoes or hurricanes, then an asphalt/metal roof may not be a good choice for you.
- Painted Tile Roof Painted tile roofs are becoming more popular because they’re maintenancefree, resistant to mold and mildew, and look great in any style of home. They do require periodic cleaning with a professional roofing cleaner to keep them looking their best.
The different types of roofing materials
Roofing materials are an important part of any building’s infrastructure. They protect the structure from weather damage and provide insulation and protection from sunlight. There are several different types of roofing materials available on the market, each with its own unique benefits and drawbacks.
- Flat Roofs: A flat roof is a simple design made up of two sheets of metal that slope downward to form a partially or fully covered floor area. Flat roofs offer little protection against rain or snow, but they’re usually economical and easy to install. They can also be painted or stained to match the exterior color scheme of your home.
- Gable Roofs: A gable roof consists of three sections an upper section that slopes down toward the sky, a middle section that spans between the lower slopes, and a lower section that extends straight down below the eaves (the edge above ground level). Gable roofs offer greater hail and wind resistance than other styles, plus they often have more ornate features such as dormers (windows in the slope) or towers (extensions at either end of the main gable).
- Gabled roofs are typically more expensive than flat roofs and require more complex construction procedures due to their increased structural integrity. However, gabled roofs tend to look nicer than flat rooftops once installed especially if you choose one with detailed architectural features!
How Roofs are Installed
Roof installation is an intricate process that needs to be done by a qualified professional. The wrong installation can lead to serious problems, such as water infiltration and structural failure. Here are some tips on how to choose the right roof installer:
- Talk to your neighbors before you decide who will be installing your roof. You may benefit from getting quotes from more than one contractor in order to avoid any potential misunderstandings or disputes down the road.
- Make sure the contractor you select has experience installing roofs of all types and sizes. They should also have a good reputation among local residents, so you can trust their workmanship.
- Request a written estimate prior to beginning any work, so there are no surprises later on (especially if it ends up costing more than expected). This will help protect both you and the contractor against fraudulent activities or missed deadlines.
- Be sure to inspect the finished product carefully after installation is complete; any discrepancies should be brought immediately to light so they can be corrected promptly.
When should you have a roof replaced?
When should you have a roof replaced? There is no one-size-fits-all answer to this question, as the decision depends on a variety of factors. However, some basic things to take into account include the age of your roof; its construction material and quality; how often it rains in your area; and whether or not it has been damaged in any way. If you’re unsure if your roof needs replacement, speak with an experienced contractor about what might be best for your situation. They will be able to give you both an estimate for the work required and advice on which type of roof may be best suited for your home.
Insurance Requirements for Roofing Work
When it comes to the safety of your employees, you need to take all possible precautions. That means ensuring that the work being done on your roof is properly insured. Here are a few things you should know about insurance requirements for roofing work:
- Your workers must be protected by general liability insurance in case they get injured while working on your property. This policy should also cover any damage they cause to other property or persons during their employment.
- You will also need commercial auto insurance in order to cover the costs of repairs and replacements related to the Work performed on your Roof. Make sure that this coverage includes coverage for uninsured motorists, as well as damages caused while driving an automobile owned or rented by someone else (like a contractor).
- Homeowner’s Insurance typically covers damage caused when breaking into or stealing from a home but does not usually provide coverage for injuries sustained while working inside or outside of a home. You may want to consider adding homeowners insurance specifically designed for contractors onto your worker’s policy in case something goes wrong during their job site visit.
Final Thoughts
Now that you know everything about roofing, you can be sure to buy a quality one without any hesitation. Remember that proper inspection and maintenance are essential in order to ensure the long life of your house’s roof.
At Wilkerson Roofing & Construction LLC in Oklahoma City, we pride ourselves on providing our customers with topquality roofing services at an affordable price. Contact us today to schedule a consultation, and let us show you what we can do for your home!